Loek ten Berge & Marco Oteman & Paul Postmes & Eef Eerdmans
This book will introduce you to the field of professional organizations by the use of the 7S-model. Each chapter represents one S from the model.
The book is especially written for students business administration.
Mr. L. ten Berge and drs. M.P. Oteman are both lecturer at the Hogeschool Utrecht Business School, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
1 Introduction 13
1.1 What is an organization? 14
1.2 General developments in organization theory 18
..1.2.1 The period from circa end of nineteenth century to circa 1935 19
..1.2.2 The period from circa 1935 to circa 1955 21
..1.2.3 The period from circa 1955 to today 23
1.3 The economic cycle model 31
1.4 The management process 34
..1.4.1 Policy making 35
..1.4.2 Structuring 36
..1.4.3 Implementation 37
1.5 Objectives 37
1.6 The 7S-model (preview) 40
1.7 Assignments 41
2 Strategy 43
2.1 Introduction 44
..2.1.1 What is planning? 44
..2.1.2 Types of planning 44
2.2 The strategic business plan 46
..2.2.1 The situation analysis 46
..2.2.2 The SWOT analysis 49
..2.2.3 Diagnosis and prognosis 60
..2.2.4 Strategic options 61
..2.2.5 The planning phase 63
..2.2.6 The phase of implementation, checking and adjustment 64
2.3 Convergence 64
2.4 Assignments 65
3 Structure 67
3.1 Introduction 68
3.2 Division of work (division of functions and tasks) and
......coordination 71
3.3 Division of tasks 73
..3.3.1 Horizontal division of tasks 73
..3.3.2 Vertical division of work 75
3.4 Work structuring 75
..3.4.1 Job rotation 76
..3.4.2 Job enlargement 76
..3.4.3 Job enrichment 76
..3.4.4 Autonomous groups 77
3.5 Scope of control, span of control and depth of control 79
..3.5.1 Expanding the scope of control 80
3.6 Mintzberg’s basic configurations 83
3.7 Coordination 85
..3.7.1 Communication 85
..3.7.2 Coordination mechanisms 86
3.8 Organizational systems 88
..3.8.1 The line organization 89
..3.8.2 The line-staff organization 90
..3.8.3 The matrix organization 92
..3.8.4 The division structure 93
3.9 Convergence 94
3.10 Assignments 95
4 Systems 97
4.1 Introduction 98
4.2 Systems and processes 99
..4.2.1 Systems 99
..4.2.2 Processes 100
4.3 Analysis of current situation 102
..4.3.1 The value chain 102
..4.3.2 Flow charts (workflows) 108
4.4 Analysis (system/process) 109
..4.4.1 The impact of automation 112
4.5 Convergence 118
4.6 Assignments 118
5 Staff 121
5.1 Introduction 122
5.2 Intake 126
..5.2.1 Recruitment 127
..5.2.2 Selection 129
..5.2.3 Appointment 132
5.3 Employee flow 134
..5.3.1 Remuneration 135
..5.3.2 Assessment 138
..5.3.3 Career development 140
..5.3.4 Competency development 142
5.4 Termination of employment 143
..5.4.1 Voluntary retirement 143
..5.4.2 Forced retirement 144
5.5 Convergence 147
5.6 Assignments 149
6 Skills 151
6.1 Introduction 152
6.2 Added value: why? 155
6.3 Added value: for whom? 155
6.4 The INK-model 157
..6.4.1 Leadership 158
..6.4.2 Strategy and policy 159
..6.4.3 Employees 159
..6.4.4 Resources and conditions 161
..6.4.5 Processes 161
..6.4.6 Appreciation by employees 161
..6.4.7 Apprecuation by customers and suppliers 162
..6.4.8 Appreciation by society 162
..6.4.9 Results 163
6.5 The balanced scorecard 164
6.6 Competency management 166
6.7 Convergence 166
6.8 Assignments 167
7 Style 169
7.1 Introduction 170
7.2 Styles of leadership 171
..7.2.1 Autocratic (authoritarian) leadership 171
..7.2.2 Democratic leadership 172
..7.2.3 Participative leadership 172
7.3 Theories 172
..7.3.1 McGregor’s X and Y theory 173
..7.3.2 The contingency approach to leadership 174
7.4 Team formation 177
..7.4.1 Phases in team formation 178
..7.4.2 Team characteristics 179
7.5 Conflict management 180
..7.5.1 Styles of conflict management 182
7.6 Decision-making 184
..7.6.1 The decision-making process 184
..7.6.2 Instruments to assist in decision-making 185
7.7 Motivation theories 188
..7.7.1 Maslow’s pyramid of needs 188
7.8 Convergence 191
7.9 Assignments 192
8 Shared values 195
8.1 Introduction 196
8.2 What is culture, and corporate culture in specific 196
8.3 Culture levels 199
..8.3.1 Artifacts 200
..8.3.2 Espoused values 202
..8.3.3 Underlying values 202
8.4 Culture diagnosis 203
8.5 Factors that determine a culture (according to Handy) 205
8.6 Culture change 208
8.7 Convergence 210
8.8 Assignments 211
9. Trends and developments 213
9.1 Macro-economic developments 213
..9.1.1 Development of dollar prices 214
..9.1.2 Globalisation and the emergence of Newly
......Industrialised Countries 216
..9.2 Macro-political developments 218
..9.2.1 Immigration 219
..9.2.2 Polerisation 220
..9.2.3 Individualisation 221
..9.2.4 Shifting power 221
9.3 Developments in organization theory 222
..9.3.1 Sustainability 222
..9.3.2 ICT and e-management 227
..9.3.3 Networking and involvement 227
..9.3.4 The Netherlands, a service nation 228
9.4 Assignments 229
References 231
Key names and concepts 233